Wisata Aldepos Salaca

Take a bus or train to Bogor, when you arrive find minibus which lane goes to Laladon terminal.
In Laladon, find minibus lane "Tumaritis", this will take you right at the gate of Aldepos Salaca after 40 minute ride.
Location at Abdul Fatah Street Desa Tapos 2 Tenjolaya Bogor, Indonesia.

Aldepos Salaca sebagai wahana wisata alam yang sangat menyenangkan untuk berlibur dan refreshing. Lokasinya tak jauh dari kaki gunung Salak Bogor ini nampak asri, nyaman dan bersih, terutama pemandangannya
Anda juga dapat menikmati beragam wahana permainan dari outbound sampai berkebun. Apalagi saat panen buah,terasa lengkap berlibur seakan dikampung halaman sendiri.
Aldepos Salaca is a beautiful place to relax, refresh and recharge. Surrounded by 60+ hectares of plantation, it's only 2.5 hours drive from Jakarta.
Take a bus or train to Bogor, when you arrive find minibus which lane goes to Laladon terminal. In Laladon, find minibus lane
"Tumaritis", this will take you right at the gate of Aldepos Salaca after 40 minute ride. Location at Abdul Fatah Street Desa Tapos 2 Tenjolaya Bogor, Indonesia.

Marketing Aldepossalaca